
Monday, March 31, 2014

20 weeks and a trip to the hospital

This weekend I wasn't feeling great, but did take some bump pictures to capture my belly size at 20 weeks on Saturday! By Sunday evening I was getting worse though, and couldn't sleep due to the pain/worry. I ended up going into meet my midwife in the ER on Monday.
 She was able to find out what was wrong pretty quickly, and get me on an IV with antibiotics! 
It also helped calm me down a lot that I got to hear baby Reece's heartbeat (150) and little hiccups :) She wants me off my feet for 1 more day, and back to see her if anything changes or gets worse. 
I am feeling very thankful for good friends to check on me, prayer, and modern medicine!

Monday, March 24, 2014

19 weeks - Ultrasound #4

Daddy didn't get to come this ultrasound, but grandma and big sister did! It was super special for me to spend the morning having breakfast and catching up with my mother in law! And I am so glad Mike's 3 best girls got to share this experience! 

The ultrasound tech showed us every organ and bone, and Thing 3 is complete straight down to have all 10 fingers and 10 toes! Jenna was most excited about the face shots, and learned all about the umbilical cord and how baby eats ;) Sue was sent home with an envelope with Baby's gender with the promise that the only person she can tell is my dear friend Jammie who is planning our Gender Reveal Party for when Mike gets back! 

Look how sweet our little love is already! 

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Nursery ~ Part 1

Step 1 was to prep the Nursery, so before Mike left he moved Thing 1 and Thing 2's rooms to make the room next to ours the Nursery :) He and my amazing mother in law deep cleaned the room, the walls, the floor boards, closet, and the window! 
Then Mike surprised me by setting up the Crib! 
We picked out our crib in my 1st trimester, and it was our 1st big baby purchase! We mostly bought it right away, because Mikes boss had me make is fantasy football picks for him and when he won he gave me the money for the crib :) 
Thanks again Warren! 
 We knew we wanted a 4 way convertible in solid cherry wood, and after a weekend of shopping fell in love with this one from the comfort of our home computer 
(yay for being Amazon Prime members) 

 Next step was choosing the colors for the Nursery! It was actually when buying a Boppy Pillow that we decided we both really like yellow.  I told Mike he could pick whatever one he wanted as long as it was the minky fabric, and he picked yellow. From there we started looking for yellow color combs that we like, and both loved Grey and yellow most! I never would have thought of grey for a nursery, but now I adore it more than the yellow part! 
This was the 1st small nursery decor that we bought to base the rest of the room off of! 
Our Theme is You Are My Sunshine! 

Next is painting the nursery. This weekend my mom and I went Nursery decor shopping, and looked for colors we liked... we liked a lot! Today Sara and I tested them in the room for what looked best in the lighting with Yellow and Cherry wood, and narrowed it down to a top 2. My mother in law is going to paint for me seeing Mike is gone and we don't want the paint to harm the baby at all. She gets the final say between the last 2 colors, because she is better with things like this than I am :)

 In the mean time I am working on making a mobile, curtains, and my parents are having Jenna's rocking chair redone to match the nursery :) I will post pictures as things get finished! 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Holy Pregnancy Dreams Batman!

So I don't know if anyone else has experienced the "excitement" of pregnancy dreams, but wow they are a trip! 
I don't remember this with Jenna at all!
There is not a night that goes by that I don't have some kind of crazy dream. Each day I go to work and tell my friends about my management staff being the Jedi council with my favorite sup Korn being Yoda, my friend Jennifer (who doesn't want kids) having a baby instead of me, and then there was my latest dream... it's a recurring nightmare actually! 
I saw this pig fish picture on Facebook one night, and that is what I am blaming! Add a pig fish to Mike teasing me that we will have a curly red head baby and my fear of spiders... THIS IS WHAT YOU GET! Dream Jacqui giving birth to a Spider pig fish with red hair! Every time people see it they go on and on about how cute it is, and I am the only one who is completely terrified/disgusted!! I made my friends laugh so much they wanted to see a picture of the ugly little guy, so I attempted to replicate my dream... here you go ;)
Now please pray that God make my little he or she a perfectly normal human baby!! 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Thing 1 and Thing 2 Play Basketball

So as much as this mommy likes talking about our new addition I wont ever be less proud of my older babies! This was Kade's 2nd year and Jenna's 3rd year of basketball, and look how much they have grown since season 1 :)

They each had a great season for different reasons, and both grew so much! It is such a rewarding thing as a mom to watch your kids get better at something you love! 
Luckily they are still silly little monkeys, and are not to big to play at the park together yet! 

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Bump Update 6- 18 Weeks

How far along? 18 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: I will get weighed again next week, so no idea until then. 

Maternity clothes? Saturday Sara and I went shopping for new tops, today James and Colleen brought me more, and Grace just text me that she got me a new Maxi so I have lots of new cute clothes to wear :)

Stretch marks? No, but my tummy is itchy... does that mean I am going to get them? I don't remember... so I just pour the lotion on!

Sleep: Harder to sleep the last few nights, but that is mostly due to my cuddle buddy being gone, and that we talk late at night when it is day for him. But my snoggle (large crazy shaped pillow Mike bought me in my 1st Trimester) is coming in handy to keep me laying sideways seeing apparently its bad to lay on your back at this point. Also a little minion has taken up residence in my bed as of tonight, so that should help with the cuddling :)

Best moment this week: One of the reasons that I think Mike and I are so happy when he is home is because we know how hard it is to be apart. So right now I am holding onto every moment of last week! We spent last Saturday alone walking around downtown shopping, talking, laughing, and eating! Then we spent the week getting our house ready to have a nursery, and he built our crib!! Then we spent Wednesday just us until the kids got out of school then we went to the park and played! Now I live off those moments until each time he calls again! 

Miss Anything? Right now just mostly my baby daddy! It just hit me today that he is really gone, but getting to talk to him makes it better! Other then that I realized this week I miss high heels! I love shoes and I have a ton of them, but right now I have 3 (well 4 cause I stole some of Sara's) pairs that I am comfortable in :(

Movement: Yesterday I was spending the afternoon with Sara who gave me Sunny D to drink. Apparently all the sugar in that "juice" made baby hyper, because I could feel so much! To the point where I could feel movement on the outside too!!

Food cravings: I still like seafood and have found a love for shrimp tacos, but I just have to have meat more often then I have ever had. Even my pizza has to be meat lovers... which use to make me gag! I also really like muffins and juice!  

Anything making you queasy or sick: Raw onion! Like in anything! The smell, the taste, the look... I hate them all of a sudden! I can smell them like a ninja too... no matter where they are I know! 

Labor Signs: Nothing new! 

Belly Button in or out? Still in... it actually no longer resembles a button, but more of a belly hole ;)

Wedding rings on or off? On and still too big

Happy or Moody most of the time: Sad tonight, but that is less pregnancy and more getting use to Mike being gone.... But I have been pretty happy lately otherwise. I have had lots of friend and family time the last few days to keep me busy, so I am feeling blessed! Thank you to everyone who has checked on me and made time to make me smile the last few days!! 

Looking forward to: Next week I get to see my little lovie again, and get some time with my mother in love! We decided on what the nursery will look like, so I have a project to work on! Right now I am looking forward to planning and preparing for our sweet future! 

Monday, March 10, 2014

1st Maternity Pictures!

Reece Family Baby
Our 1st family picture with our new addition!
And now there is 5!
Thing 1 and Thing 2 are super excited! 
And Mommy and Daddy are
already in love with Thing 3!

Friday, March 7, 2014


Ok...I know that I am going on 17 weeks pregnant... it is not only obvious scientifically, but also physically at this point.... That being said it just hit me...

I have wanted this for a long time, but for some reason the part that it is actually happening just hit me. Hit me that there is a baby growing in me, hit me that I need to get on the planning for this baby, and hit me that the dream I had to have a child in a happy marriage with the man that I adore is not just a dream anymore!

I don't know why the sudden epiphany, but it has brought this new excitement and I just had to share with everyone!

Oh, and I can no longer see my toes ;)

Monday, March 3, 2014

Bump 5- Midwife appointment- 16 weeks

How far along? 16 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: 4lbs and growing 

Maternity clothes? Yes... I may never wear pants other than Maternity Pants again! After my appointment today Mike and I went shopping for maternity shorts and capri pants... I want summer already!!

Stretch marks? Nothing new. I am really liking my bump gloss and hope that it helps my skin grow like it needs to as my baby grows!

Sleep: Once I get comfortable I sleep great! Dreams are crazy though... I don't remember having such vivid dreams with Jennabelle! I literally wake up every morning having to question "did that really happen"?

Best moment this week: Today we got to have our 3rd appointment with the Midwife! She says everything looks perfect, and we got to hear our little love's heartbeat 150 :) This will be Mike's last appointment for awhile so she recorded it for us! 

Miss Anything? Mike and I went to dinner with our friends last weekend and I wanted Dr. Pepper so bad, but that has gone away thankfully! My dear sister Stevie got me some yummy pregnancy tea that gives me something to drink when I don't want water.

Movement: I can definitely feel my little butterfly at random moments through the day! Usually when I am laying down I can feel it the most! 

Food cravings: Well Lobster is expensive, so I have been substituting with shrimp or other kind of fish... Do you know how good crab stuffed Mahi Mahi is? My newest addition is GF blueberry muffins!

Anything making you queasy or sick: Still sensitive to smells, but nothing specific anymore. 

Labor Signs: My stomach will get rock solid randomly. My midwife said that it's normal, and just my body's early stage of getting ready for it's upcoming job

Belly Button in or out? In where it belongs!

Wedding rings on or off? On and still too big... I swelled a lot by this point with Jenna in my hands and feet, so I am feeling lucky that I have normal extremities this far :)

Happy or Moody most of the time: I have gone through a sad stage this week... probably because Mike is leaving, but my husband is the best at reminding me how blessed we are and pointing my thoughts to all the joy! He knows pictures make me happy, so we took some pregnancy pictures and that cheered me up for sure! 

Looking forward to: Getting to feel more movement, my next ultrasound (my mother in law and Jenna get to come), but mostly right now spending as much time as possible with my darling! We are spending the weeks before he leaves converting the room next to ours into a nursery... house shuffle! And we are taking a break this weekend for a little pre-deployment get away just the 2 of us!!!!