
Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Last Day of Summer Break!

We woke up the last day of summer break to these crazy haired kids reading books on the kitchen floor, so decided it was time for some haircuts for our boys!
It took the whole family to cut James's hair!
Mom cutting, dad holding, Brufer distracting, and Nenney documenting ;)
After breakfast Grandma Sue came to spoil her baby! 
I truly adore how good she is to my kids!

Then it was off to the fair!
Our Big Kids took over Mike's phone, so they could take selfies on the rides close to us

And James and Daddy went on some rides

Then we stopped for food and to see the animals 
 The older kids were less excited about feeding animals then in years past,
 but James thought it was the best ever!
Then we stopped and watched some music 

Once little man was finally worn out... he passed out 

 So daddy went on some rides with the older kids

Once little man woke up, and the older kids wanted food we headed out for some Red Robin dinner!

YAY for school starting and life getting back to normal!
But glad we got a fun last day for summer break!

Monday, August 22, 2016

2nd Birthday Party for Our Little Construction Worker ;)

This last weekend we celebrated our little man entering the lovely terrible 2's ;)
When James was born Mike's squadron sent him gifts. One of which was a signed by them all Tonka truck... 2 years later he loves that truck so much! 
We even had his pictures done in it when he was a few weeks old! 
Every time we see any trucks he just looses his mind with excitement yelling Truck 
Thank you Jesus it sounds like Truck unlike what Jenna said at this age ;)
Seeing the party was at 3pm we didn't do a whole meal, but knowing there would be lots of toddlers we made sure there would be snacks!
My wonderful mom AKA gramie and her side kick were in charge of the kitchen!
Instead of trying to get a group of littles to do games we just left them for "open play" instead :)
We are currently getting ready to "upgrade" our side yard, so it made a great place for a kid sized construction sight! Then we had a "cone toss" and a ball tent to play in. On the patio we put out rode tape, a cars land mat, and cars to play with. 
Then there was our ever popular play set!

And every construction sight needs signs!! 
For the 1st hour we just let the kids play and all us parentals got time to catch up :)

Then James opened his gifts... kind of... he mostly just wanted to play with his new toys every time he opened a new one, so it took some convincing ;) 

This may be my favorite thing ever! Look what Tammy made James!!
Then it was Cake time!
 My very sweet friend who is a baking rock star made James his cake!It was a hit!

Once it was time for his friends to leave they got Rock Candy as a Thank you!
You are so welcome other moms ;)
Then we cleaned up the back yard while James cooked dinner
It was really exhausting for him lol
The kids' favorite part was washing all the cake off the patio, and their brother!
Once we had dinner we went on our favorite walk to see the ducks, and get snacks. 

It was a fantastic day and we are so grateful for everyone who was apart of 
making it special for our always BABY James!