Sunday, September 6, 2015

Spirit Of Boise

We took the kids to Spirit of Boise early this morning! 
Though we have taken Jenna before this was our 1st year having Kade, and James's 1st time!
We got the kids breakfast on the way. We never eat fast food, so they were super excited ;)
Last night was James's 1st full night (8pm - we woke him up), in his own bed start to finish, without crying, or eating that Mike and I didn't wake up to check on him for no reason... that being said the 3 of us were in a great mood!
It was chilly, so the kids spent most of it cuddled next to each other in blankets!
Which as a mom was fun to watch!
James was so excited he kept pointing and saying "whoa"!
The balloons were beautiful as was the sunrise!
 Love getting this moments with my whole family together!

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Curious James goes to the Zoo

6 Years, a marriage, and a baby after our 1st trip to the Zoo together :)

 Grandma Sue came to enjoy the fun with us!
James loved all the animals
But he thought they were all dogs, and barked at them
Cooling off :)
By big kids:)
All of the kids loved the butterfly exhibit 

 And you are never to old to play at the zoo!

 All the kids got to pick one toy to remember the day!
James of course picked a dog 
He calls him Woo Woo :)

Kade's 1st Football Game of 2015!

Kade got to play his 1st game at the BSU stadium!
Can you believe my monster man is big enough to play tackle???
Before the game he got to meet the BSU players, and take pictures on the field. 

While we were waiting for Kade's game James went exploring

He was super excited when he could look over the edge to see big brother!

Kade is #80

Jenna was super proud of her brother!

The BSU players helped them decide plays 
And Kade blocked to make a touch down happen for his team!

What is a trip to BSU without pictures with the Bronco?!? 
So proud of you buddy, and I am excited to watch you play this season!

Friday, September 4, 2015

Thing 3 Is a Big Boy Now!

After 12 Months of smiles this sweet boy has turned 1!

James had his 12 month check up last week, and he is doing amazing! 
His doctor said that he is way ahead on all of his milestones, and is going to be a tall boy!
He was weighing in at 24.1 lbs which is in the 86%
and is is 31 inches long which is in the 87%
He is a Reece Boy for sure! 

I made this for James's Curious George Birthday to document all of his 1 Year Milestones!
James's biggest change in the last month is obviously he had a birthday, and is now one!
Other than that he is growing big!
He is sleeping in his own bed now!
 Eating pretty much everything, and sits at the table with the family at dinner!
He has his sign language down, but only uses it if he feels like it :)
He can get on to anything he wants from my desk to the trampoline 
He spends his day making our world a happier place with his big smile and contagious laugh!