Friday, May 6, 2016

Our New House: Backyard Addition

When we moved into our house there was no fence, no grass, and no patio. 
A year later we are making some progress!
We planted grass and had a big back patio laid 
 Mike built a fence with the help of his dad, sister, and Jenna
Then this spring it was time to make the back corner of our yard "The Kid Zone"
My only job in all of it was drawing a picture, doing some safety research, and Amazon Shopping!
When I was done I gave my work over to Mike and his parents, and they brought my idea to life!
Step 1: Bringing in the wood
Yay having minions (and their caped manager)
Step 2: Foundation, walls, and swing beam 
And Beam testing ;)
Step 3: Putting up railing to make the upstairs of both forts safe. 
And putting up the very important tic tac toe ;)
Kade got to cut all of the railing, and did a fantastic job!
 Jim never wanted to come down once his was "done"
He now knows how to say X, O, and well Roar is what he says for lion
The kids loved working and playing on the "job site" 
I don't really know what they were playing, but ya know... kids! 
And I really don't know why my son prefers to work naked?!?!
Step 4: Painting 
Mike's mom actually did 98% of the painting, because she is awesome like that!
And being the wonderful Grandma she is she always made sure to let the kids "help" her, and spent so much time working on all of the "little details" to make it just right!
Step 5: Put up and paint interior walls 
And then of course trying out the chalk board walls immediately
Step 6: Swings!! 
 Safe to say it was the kid's favorite step so far!
Step 7: Rock wall, fire poll, and chin up bar on the big kids fort
My husband is a trooper those rocks take 6 steps each to put up... he loves all my ideas ;)
Step 7: The roof
I am so glad that we had my father in law's experience for making this project so safe for my kids!
As far as James is concerned Papa hung the moon (for James), and Scott never had a problem slowing down building to teach his boy everything he knows!
Step 8: Stairs (and that darn) Slide... again me and my good ideas 
But the kids love it!!!
Well there is about 50 steps that I am leaving out like the 2 hours it took Michael to build the door I wanted for under Jim's fort, the bench and table Scott made James in 30 seconds without even trying, the little shutters that Sue made just because I thought it would be cute, or the 200 trips to Home Depot that each of them made for more sand, trim, safer parts then came with everything I bought online, more trim, more wood, tools I have never heard of, and oh did I mention trim?
The kids didn't mind that the project was taking a whole month they just played on it anyways ;)
All of that work, and it is finally over! 
Friday morning the Orkin guy sprayed for bugs, then the bark guys blew in 10 yards of bark, and Mike filled up the sand box!
James played in his new kitchen while Mike and I cleaned up the tools, and added the finishing touches!
Here is the upstairs of the kids fort
The down stairs of James's fort from his front window 
And the sand box under the big kids' fort
When the kids got home from school they all got to play on the finished product!

They were super excited!
And here is the reason we paid to have our floor plan flipped when we were building!
So that I could see my kids play from one of my master windows! 
**don't mind my prego belly in the reflection ;)
Now that I sit here uploading pictures for this post I can't help but feel so thankful for my husband and his incredible parents for all the time and money they put into this triangle of dirt just to make our kids happy!