Monday, November 28, 2016

Thanksgiving Break 2016

Look at all I have to be thankful for!
We kicked off our Thanksgiving break with Jenna's 1st basketball tournament for club ball!

Sunday we had my family over for Thanksgiving with Kade
The kids built lots of forts during the break, because we always make time for cuddling

And there was definitely baking

 We went to the village with friends, so James could see Santa, and our big kids could skate!

 Then we went to get a snack at It's Sugar

 Then we went for a walk to play at the park!

We started decorating for Christmas starting with the putting lights on the house!

The Tree went up

 And the most important part of the decorations we put up our Nativity 

We took the kids to Wahooz for some fun before Kade had to go to his other house

That Jenna and I made appetizers for Thanksgiving 

Then we spent the rest of the weekend celebrating with Mike's family seeing his sister came to town with her squishy bunch of cuties!