
Friday, September 27, 2013

Happy Anniversary!

It was our 3 Year part 2 anniversary this week, and I am happier then ever to be married to my Michael! We took a few days off to just enjoy each other kid free, went out with friends one night, and spent most of the time doing things to remember why we are best friends. On our official anniversary we stayed in bed late, watched movies, ate junk food, and then went dream shopping for all the plans we have for our future! 
About 3 weeks before our anniversary Michael gave my anniversary gift! 
The keys to a 2014 Toyota Camry Hybrid LE!! He made sure it will fit all 3 of our kids =] while saving us ton a month on gas (from our van that got 17 miles to now getting 44...a TON) Plus it gets free oil changes, maintenance, and car washes for 3 years! 

So the gift is actually that I get to put all that savings from our monthly car fund to our NEW BABY FUND!!
He gets his anniversary gift soon I hope! ;)

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