
Friday, November 8, 2013

Pep Talk From The Hubbs

Mike and I were cuddled up on the couch watching our most recent Netflix show. One of the main couples is trying to conceive (TTC), and another main couple gets pregnant at the worst time when they did not want another child at all... Me completely sympathizing with the 1st couple started to get mad that some people can just have babies on a whim while other couples are suffering with the pain of not conceiving.
Michael in all his wisdom looked me in the eyes, and told me "stop it"! He reminded me the best things in life come with work, and more importantly THIS IS WHAT WE WANTED! We have kids who we adore, us wanting this baby is not about us not having children. It is that we wanted a child that we planned, worked for, and enjoyed the journey together. This is the work part! Then he said, "Babe we wanted the journey together...that is what we are experiencing right now, and it is fun... have fun"!

How did I get so blessed that I get to have the fun having a baby with such a smart man?!?! So I think I will stop worrying so much about if it will happen, and just enjoy this journey :)


  1. Yes we are! I didn't think I would like it when Mike suggested it, because it is not like the shows we usually watch... but we love it!! ;)
