
Monday, December 2, 2013

Month 4 begins... I think?!?!

So the week of Thanksgiving has come and gone, and none of the "real girl" symptoms that we expected to start are here at all!! However, sigh, there are no pregnancy symptoms either :(  I took a test on Wednesday, and it was negative... 
It looks like I am not as much of a "real girl" as I thought I was. Yes, this comes with some very obvious pros like I am not crampy, crying, or considering the death of anyone. But is has also brought to light our #1 concerns: I may never cycle like most women which will make it much harder then we hoped to get pregnant.
It is funny how something about me that was such an awesome side effect to my health problems before, now has me so terrified!

As my general consolation prize I had a glass of wine with my sisters on Thanksgiving, and spent the weekend thankful I didn't have to deal with any kind of womanly aliments. We had a great time catching up with family, going to the movies, decorating for Christmas, and getting in the Holiday Spirit!
Despite the background worry this really was one of the best Thanksgiving weeks I have ever had!  

I have a few more days before either side of the female coin is ruled out for sure. We have an appointment at the end of the month to see a specialist to decide if pin pointing an ovulation schedule is something that my body will allow. For now I am just focused on getting ready for Christmas, and spoiling the babies I already have! 

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