
Sunday, December 8, 2013

TTC Tag #1

1. How long have you been trying to conceive?
Officially (this time) since 9/2013, so we are in month 4.

2. Who knows that you are TTC?
At this time there are only a handful of people who know. Our support system... the people we know we can trust to keep quiet until we are ready to tell people, while still being there to talk to about the ups and downs, and pray for us along the way. It is such an exciting time! But we don't want to have answer to people each month if it has happened yet, or if we decide to stop we don't want to have to answer to people why. Plus we want the fun of surprising people when we finally get to tell everyone we are pregnant!

3. How many kids do you have/want?
We have two 7 year olds currently.
We want them to have one more sibling!

4. How old are you and your husband?
I’m 24 years old (25 in February), and my Michael turned 28 this August.

5. How long have you been married/ been together?
We got married on May 29th 2010, so almost 4 years! We started dating February 19th 2009.

6. What are some crazy things you do while TTC?
Well I'm not too sure what this means, but if it means like what things do we do in order to conceive.....I am not really a kiss and tell girl lol. We have just stuck to having fun ;)

7. Does your husband know all about TTC?
Michael is pretty good about knowing what he needs to know, and allowing me to have the parts I need to myself. He knows to be the positive great support, and honestly that is the part I need him to know. He told me not to tell him details of how I know certain things (like how I am ovulating) which I am glad lol

8. What keeps you busy during the 2ww? (2 week wait)
I work 30 hours a week for the DHW, have 2 kids with sports and school, and I am a wife… so I live! Whenever I get restless we do something like pick names or decide what hospital we are going to use.

9. What day do you usually ovulate?
I pretend everyday…shhh don’t tell Michael ;) But honestly at this point I have no idea. I have only been what I like to call a “real girl” once, so we don’t know my cycle at this time.

10.What gender are you hoping for?
A Boy! Wait a Girl!! No Boy… or girl, or twins!! Yes let’s do both… I sort of change my mind based on whatever the cutest baby thing I saw last is!

11. How many pregnancy books do you have?
I have a few on my Kindle, but no actual books yet.

12. How many home pregnancy tests do you take in 1 cycle?
It differs I think. Sometimes I go crazy and take like 5, but other times I struggle to want to take 1 to avoid the disappointing negative.

13. What are some stress relievers when TTC?
My husband is amazing at noticing when I need a pick me up back rub or night out! God has been bringing positive reminders into my days like new friends who are in the same boat or songs to make me smile.
And every time I get a negative test I take a day to forget about TTC and have wine or something I can't have pregnant!

14. What themes or designs do you like for a nursery?
I am sure we will change our minds a hundred times before we start buying things, but so far it is between Dr. Seuss and Safari animals!

15. Do you plan to do pregnancy vlogs if you conceive?
Vlog… Me on video? Ha no! But I will continue to go old school with my Blog :)

16. What have you bought for your future baby?
Mike bought a BSU jumper and we got some booties to take announcement pictures with.

17. Do you have a birth plan?
I will, but not yet.

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