
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Belly Bump-1

How far along? I am not positive. We found out we are expecting 2 weeks ago, so haven't been to the doctor to confirm yet. 

Total weight gain/loss: I have no clue! I honestly haven't weighed myself for months, so I will have to start with what I weigh at my 1st appointment :)

Maternity clothes? Nope, but scarfs are a must to cover up the only on me that looks pregnant!

Stretch marks? Nope

Sleep: Is okay, but once I am awake (no matter how early) I am awake, and have to eat!

Best moment this week: Telling my hubby the news!

Have you told family and friends: Not yet, but we are planning how we will tell them... probably on Christmas

Miss Anything? Just my morning Coffee, but peppermint tea is my new love!

Movement: Way too soon

Food cravings: Eggs, Egg Salad, Eggs and Bacon, shrimp anything

Anything making you queasy or sick: The smell of beef! Luckily we stopped eating beef in our home years ago, but other people warming it up at work is so bad!

Gender prediction: Mike things boy and I think girl... big shocker right lol

Labor Signs: Way too soon for this question

Belly Button in or out? In where it belongs!

Wedding rings on or off? On.

Happy or Moody most of the time: So happy all the time... I mean I AM HAVING HIS BABY! How could I not be lol

Looking forward to: Telling everyone!!

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