
Sunday, January 19, 2014

Belly bump 2- 9 weeks

Maternity clothes? Yes... I received quite a few gift cards for Christmas, so I decided that it was a perfect reason to get a few things. Kade (the only other person who like clothing in my house) was so excited about this dress with a huge heart on it that I had to buy it ...even though it is a bit much for my taste :)

Stretch marks? Nope

Sleep: Ummm... all the time lol! Mike has been so great about  taking care of everything going on when I need to stop living to sleep (or at least lay down).

Best moment this week: 1st Doctors Appointment! I will post more about the appointment separately, but it was truly perfect.

Have you told family and friends: Family and close friends know. 

Miss Anything?Days before having to eat every hour, but I have been blessed to have a husband who will go get food no matter the time of day and carry food in his pocket so I can eat in church :) 

Movement: Way too soon

Food cravings: Banana popsicles, toast, proteins with low flavor like eggs, chicken salad, and cashews. Nothing about chocolate is appealing, and I don't like anything with strong smells.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Smells... like all of them...mostly anything really minty (so I had to get orange toothpaste.. gross I know)

Gender prediction: It's funny! I tell Mike, "maybe I want a boy" and he says," I was just thinking a girl would be great"... I guess we have no idea we just want a baby!

Labor Signs: Way too soon for this question

Belly Button in or out? In where it belongs!

Wedding rings on or off? On! Actually as much as the rest of me is growing my ring is currently to big? 

Happy or Moody most of the time: Still ecstatic to be having Mike's baby!! But then for some reason unknown to me I can literally start crying for no reason some days. The other day I am standing in our walk in staring at my clothes, Mike came in to ask if I was okay, and I just started crying that I wasn't going to fit in any of my clothes anymore....crazy right!! Mike reminded me this just means that I get to go shopping but wow it was out of nowhere!

Looking forward to: My next ultrasound, and narrowing down an exact due date! 

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