
Monday, January 6, 2014

Busy Busy Busy

It has been way to long! I have so much going on and so much to tell everyone, but I will do that a later day!
 For now I hope that everyone had a great holiday season!

We had a fun Christmas, the kids were spoiled, and we added a new fluffy member to our family! I wasn't feeling great, and felt bad that the kids were not getting my 100% on Christmas until Kade stood on the couch and yelled, "This is the BEST CHRISTMAS EVER"! Then I stopped worrying about the little things, and just enjoyed the smiles of my beautiful family!

We stayed in on New Years Eve! We had my best friend and her 2 monsters over for our own little New Years Pizza party :) The kids played, did fire works, had ice cream, and stayed up till midnight...Kade did better then Jenna haha. Then we watched the ball drop on TV, 
toasted our babies, kissed, and slept till noon the next day!  

 Mike and I took most of the last 2 weeks off, and it was great to just relax. We had a few play dates with friends, built our 1st snow fort, went ice skating, and spend one weekend just Mike and I! All in all I feel completely blessed, and can't wait to spend 2014 with all of the amazing people in my life! 

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