Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Belly Bump 3- 11 weeks- 2nd appointment

How far along? 11, going on 12 weeks!! 

Total weight gain/loss: 8 ounces... Ya I know that was my reaction too! I had them weigh me again. My midwife says with how sick I was in the 1st trimester I was probably loosing and gaining at the same time (I am a human lava lamp)! She says it is completely normal :) She also said she can feel my uterus right on my tummy which is apparently a good thing, because it means baby is in the right spot and the bump is all baby :)

Maternity clothes? Yes and no. My mom got me a bunch of cute tops and stretchy pants which I love! I have bought some stuff too, but don't have to wear just maternity stuff yet... it is more comfortable though :) 

Stretch marks? Nothing new

Sleep: Sleep is great these days. I can finally stay asleep in the morning as long as I want! I still need occasional naps though.

Best moment this week: Mike and I went to our 2nd appointment with the midwife, and all is going perfect in the baby making world! She was able to hear baby's heart on the Doppler 160-170 range :) We talked mostly about my birth plan, and it reminded me why we picked this midwife! She does for every client the things Mike and I have decided we want so far! 

Have you told family and friends: At this point everyone knows... It is funny seeing the reaction of people who don't know when the notice the bump :) It makes me so happy every time I get to say, "Yes, I am pregnant!" 

Miss Anything? Energy! There are some days that I am great and then days... like today that I have to nap or I will not make it

Movement: No feelings of it yet, but it was amazing to see how much baby moves around on the ultrasound last week! 

Food cravings: Steak! Tri-tip, New York Strip, Filet Mignon wrapped in bacon, Steak Quesadilla, Steak and Eggs... you get the point! 

Anything making you queasy or sick: The smell of anything minty or menthol 

Gender prediction: I thought by this point I would have some strong desire for a gender, but it isn't there... so none right now... just a healthy Reece Baby!! 

Labor Signs: Way too soon for this question 

Belly Button in or out? In where it belongs!

Wedding rings on or off? On and currently too big :(

Happy or Moody most of the time: Generally I am still in euphoria. But if I have another emotion it is crying, and never about anything important... I can literally cry just to cry...

Looking forward to: Girls Night with my best girls on Friday, Saturday Mike is taking me out for my Birthday, Sunday Birthday with my family, and then Monday for my birthday Mike and I are taking the day off to see our Thing 3's 3rd ultrasound!!!! Not to mention... MY 2ND TRIMESTER!!! 

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