
Monday, February 10, 2014

Birthday Ultrasound!

Best Birthday Present ever!
A picture of my healthy growing baby!

 I had a wonderful birthday weekend filled with from Friday night girls night, Saturday Date Day with my man, Sunday family day, to dinner with my in-laws Sunday night! But nothing was better then the 1/2 hour we spent getting our 3rd ultrasound Monday! 
Baby Reece is perfect! The tech was able to see all the parts and they were all in the right places! All the measurements are great and baby is growing right on target! Heartbeat was 163, and she made a gender prediction for Mike seeing he will be gone for the gender ultrasound (I have been sworn to secrecy until our gender reveal party)! Baby was pretty still compared to how much movement we saw last time, but she moved my tummy around and it made our peanut turn and hide from us... so cute! It looks like peanut was sucking their thumb in most of the pictures that we got :)
I spent the afternoon napping today which was so amazing! Now I am waiting to see what Mike and Jenna are making me for my birthday dinner, then its a cuddle on the couch kind of evening with my 2 1/2 favorite people!! 

Thank you to everyone for your birthday wishes and for everyone who has been so supportive through my pregnancy this far! This is such a special time for us, and I am so glad that everyone is a part of it!! 

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