
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

April Fools

Of all the holidays to miss my husband you would think that I'd be glad my pain the butt practical joker husband was gone, but it is sorta one of our favorite days. I would take joking around with him today over anything! 
Below is the story of our 1st big April Fools together! 

On April Fools Day 2010, I got home from work and the 1st think I noticed as I walked in the door was my house was spotless! Then I noticed the rose petals on the floor, so I followed them (camera girl following me) up the stairs to my room where there was a beautiful PINK dress, accessories, a rose, and a note saying to get dressed up and be ready to go by 7:15. (I cried)
Then I went into my bathroom and there was a new makeup bag full new makeup with a note from my parents saying, " they love me and my sweet man, and that they support us!" 
So I got ready! I was so excited! I called my friend Amanda so she could calm me down, and then my camera girl (Mandi) got me all ready!

 At 7:15 I answered the door to a nice Italian looking guy with his big white limo! I got in the limo (which was so awesome inside) Then I got a call from my wonderful man saying, and I quote “I wish this was a joke. I am so sorry baby. I was driving down to the restaurant from Ian and Brittany’s house, and was doing 82 in at 55 construction zone which is a misdemeanor reckless driving ticket. I left my wallet in your room when I was getting this all ready. I need you to go get the wallet, and come get me from the police department. I told him I loved him to calm him down then told the limo driver to “take me home!” I really believed him, because Mike never lies! 
I walked in the door in a hurry, and there in my living room surrounded by roses and candles was my wonderful man dressed so handsome in his suit and PINK shirt! On one knee with my PERFECT PINK ROSE GOLD ring! He said, “On this day for fools I am here a fool for you! Will you do me the honor of spending forever with me? I cried then said “I hate you so much, but YES!!!!" 

We kissed a lot, and then went back outside where my lying limo driver waited for us to take us to Chandlers for dinner! 

It was perfect! I could not have asked for a better memory!!! To this day Michael calls himself my flattered fool, and prides himself on teasing me every chance he gets! 

Happy April Fools my darling man!  

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