
Monday, April 21, 2014


On Saturday the kids colored eggs and played in the Sunshine while
  Sara and I made lots of pastel colored snacks for Easter Lunch!

Our morning picture for daddy..
 it is getting hard to fit all 3 of his loves into one shot ;)


 Sunday was a busy family filled fun day! We had breakfast with Grandma Sue and Auntie Mandi who spoiled Jenna and Baby Reece with lots of presents! 

We went to church and enjoyed a beautiful service
(This video Easter brought tears to my eyes when they played it during worship)
The gift of Easter is such a humbling sacrifice that it always seems hard to worship our Savior adequately on Easter Sunday, but I hope that everyone was able to feel His amazing spirit this Easter!

Then we had my family over for Easter lunch where Jenna got more presents! Most important she got the gift daddy sent... a brand new bike! The best part of my day was talking to my husband on facetime, but lets be honest that is my favorite part of everyday! 

Wyatt likes that there is candy
 on his fruit kabob!
 Jenna and Wyatt played outside most of
 the afternoon while I loved on my sweet niece! 

Jenna loves her new bike!!
Thank you daddy!! 

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