
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Bump Update 8- 25 Weeks

How far along? 25 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: 9lbs

Maternity clothes: Loving getting to wear summer maternity clothes. Hoping this warm weather stays around… remind me I said that when I am complaining about it in July ;)
Is there a such thing as Maternity shoes? I need to find some! My feet have been so sore lately! Mike sent me a gift card to get a few new pairs of shoes (Shoes are what I get every Mother's Day instead of flowers), so I need to find some comfy options :)

Stretch marks: Nope! My sweet husband sent me more of the bump oil that I love from Spoiled Mama, so here is to hoping ;)

Sleep: I don’t need sleep like I did before which is so nice. I actually have the most energy to do things at night! I have been waking up hungry or with leg cramps, so I am not sleeping through the night very well. All in all no complaints though!

Best moment this week: It’s been a pretty great few weeks! Mike has been sending me gifts every few days to make up for missing Mother's Day (I am spoiled I know)! We did an online shopping date the other night to pick out a crib mattress for the baby...I will post about that separately.
Amanda, Sara, and I had a date in the park Friday to plan my baby shower. I booked my maternity photos last week, and had a perfect lazy not leave the house day on Sunday that Jenna and I just played together and cuddled up with Simba for some Anne of Green Gables! :)
Tonight I had a family dinner, and got to see my sister in laws parents for the 1st time since I was pregnant with Jenna which was so nice! Plus this week is Employee Appreciation week at work... I love my management team! 

Miss Anything? My baby daddy and our Monster Man! But we are on the final countdown of days, so I am pretty darn happy! I had a "I want wine so bad" moment the other day. It was one of those long days that sitting on the couch with a glass of wine and a good book is just what I would do at night, but I can’t have wine :( I did substitute the wine with lemonade and cookies and me and baby were pretty happy!

Movement: It is constant these days, and I love it! Baby likes to move a lot when it is quite or only a few people are around. Like when I am at work baby will kick my desk!But loud and busy places I feel no movement at all… I just picture thing 3 curled up covering their ears ;) Mike says baby is just an introvert like mommy ;)

Food cravings: It changes more and more these days usually to do with whatever food I saw or heard about last. Strawberries are a staple in our home right now though. I also love cucumber, pretzels, and other small snacks more than full meals.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Not at all! When I stand up to fast I get lightheaded, but other than that feeling great!

Labor Signs: The bump will occasionally get rock hard, but nothing uncomfortable.

Belly Button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: I am a happy girl who is loving the energy that comes with this 2nd trimester! I have times where I am definitely full of hormones, but they are not all tears and nausea like my 1st trimester!
I have had so much fun lately with my girlfriends getting baby planning done, and I am constantly surprised by the awesome people in our lives stepping up to help me out like Steven coming to mow my lawn for me while I was at the Color Race on Saturday! 

Looking forward to: Next week when I get to kiss the man that I love! Then the next week is our gender reveal party, and the weekend after that is our Anniversary get away!
The monday after Mike gets back in our next Midwife appointment, so I will let everyone know how baby is again by then! :)

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