
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

My Airman is home and Our 27 week Midwife appointment

My Husband is finally home! It's amazing how complete I feel when he is home! We go right back into being this well oiled machine I don't know how I do things when he is gone! Thursday afternoon we picked him up from the airport! The kids were so excited :) they hid behind a trash can and then attacked him as he walked through the doors! We took the kids to go get snow cones (mostly because baby wanted one), and then went home for a quite dinner at home just the 4 1/2 of us ;) Daddy and the kids played football while I watched my heart felt so full it could burst! That night daddy got to feel his baby and even see baby move around the bump :) it was the most wonderful bonding moment for the 3 of us! I love that whenever we cuddle now he gets to feel our baby!

The next day Mike spent the day with his girl swimming and playing basketball! She counted down $1 bills for each day he was gone for them to use to go on a date with when he got back :)

That night was just me and my man! We always go to the melting pot for our Anniversary... yes it's a few weeks away, but we have other plans that weekend so we figured why not start the celebrating early. We had other plans, but ended up just talking all night! It was so perfect! I feel like we stay close while he is gone, but there is nothing like being next to your best friend to make you feel so safe and loved!

Saturday we got to sleep in and have breakfast in bed which is one of our favorite weekend traditions! Then we picked up Thing 2 to go see Thing 1's soccer game! After we went to lunch and for a walk to enjoy the sunshine!

Sunday was our gender party here is the link
I posted about that! It was perfect, and I happy beyond words to be giving my husband a son! Though I did tell him seeing Jenna is a daddy's girl 100% our little guy will be a mommy's boy ;)
Here is some of the fun notes our friends left for us on diapers at our party!

Monday was equally as great! We went to breakfast at our favorite place that morning before our appointment, but our Midwife got called to Labor and delivery so we rescheduled for afternoon! I am so ok with that, because I plan to do the same thing to someone in a few months ;)

At the appointment she measured me and the bump is measuring at 29 weeks! I told Mike I was big :) Our Midwife says that its totally normal, and we may just have a tall boy which daddy is all to pleased about!
His heart beat is perfect and all is great on the pregnancy front! My next appointment I will be checked for Gestational Diabetes... I am so glad Mike will be there to keep me company :) Again I am loving having my baby daddy home!

That evening seeing we now know we are having a boy we registered! We went to Burlington 1st but didn't like their selection, so we went to Babies R US! It was so much fun I am not going to lie! Big sister loved getting to be a part of the whole thing and loved the scan gun! My favorite part was all the cute little things, Jenna's was baby toys, and Mike literally read safety ratings on everything we picked lol
Here is a link to our registry :) Baby Reece Gift Registry
We finished our evening having dinner and family time at Big Als!

Tuesday after school Mike and Jenna spent the afternoon together. Then we had a relaxing movie night and enjoyed yummy cheese cake thanks to the amazing Shawn and Chris!
We are all settled into life again and looking forward to having Kade this weekend! I want to thank everyone who supported us through Mike being gone again!
Now I think I will go kiss my Airman just because I can!

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