
Thursday, May 1, 2014

Old Wives Tales- Gender Prediction

In preparation for our upcoming gender reveal party I decided to see if I could find out before everyone what my little love's gender is, so I looked into the most common "Old Wives Tales" to see what they had to offer... this is what I found out :)

1. Bump Height: If you carry high it is a girl, and low it is a boy. I am carrying high, so it's a GIRL!

2. Stealing Mom's Beauty: If you have more Acne and Skin problems than when you are not pregnant your little girl is stealing your beauty! Thankfully this is one sign from my last pregnancy that I do not have this time around, so it's a BOY!

3. Gender Dreams: Whatever you dream your baby is it will be the opposite. I keep dreaming we are having a boy, so it's a GIRL!

4. Cravings:
A. When a pregnant woman craves meat and cheese, count on a boy. From day one eggs and meat have been my biggest cravings, so it's a BOY!
B. Craving sweets? According to some, that means you're going to have a little girl. Salty and sour cravings indicate a boy. With all the strawberries and Ice cream I am definitely craving sweets, so it's a GIRL!

5. Chinese Calendar: Chinese birth charts use your age at conception and the month you conceived to determine the sex of your baby. Want to give it a shot? Chinese Calendar Here!
According to this it's a BOY!

6. Heartbeat: Your baby's heart rate might be an indicator of its gender. If your little one's heart rate is under 140 beats per minute, you're having a little boy. If it's over, get ready for your little girl! Well Baby Reece has consistently been 160 since my 1st appointment, so it's a GIRL!

7. Mayan Prediction: According to the Mayans if your birth year and year of conception are both even and odd than it is a girl, but if one is odd and one is even it's a boy.
I was born in 1988 and conceived in 2013, so that means it's a BOY!

8. Morning Sickness: If you have lots of morning sickness in your 1st trimester it is a girl, but if you get through it like a breeze it's a boy. Well I definitely had morning sickness this time around, so it's a GIRL!

9.Mood:Those old wives say that when a woman is pregnant with a girl, she’s more moody than usual. I haven't been any moodier than I always am, so it's a BOY!

10. Headaches: If you are having headaches you might be carrying a boy. Well I had a sinus headache once, but other than that my head is fine... so it's a GIRL!

And finally for the always right ring over the bump test: If the ring goes back and forth it's a girl and in a circle it is a boy.....
Drum Roll please ;) It's a BOY!

That being said... It's a BABY
Those old wives should have tried harder to get their facts straight ;)

I am so excited it is MAY! May means my baby daddy will be home very soon, and then I can start counting down the days until I finally get to find out the gender of my sweet baby Reece!


  1. When will you be finding out? :)

  2. Mike gets home May 15th, so we are planing the party for the next week :)

  3. I say GIRL! :) but I'm partial because I had all boys, lol :)
