
Monday, June 30, 2014

Baby Shower #1

My great friends Amanda, Sara, and Megan threw us a "You are my Sunshine" BBQ for dinner Sunday night! It was so much fun! Thank you to everyone who came, helped, sent gifts, and spoiled our baby boy! 

Our BBQ Invites made by
Reigning Parties

My perfect little family at our Baby Shower
Mike and I with our
You are my Sunshine Cake
Grey and Yellow Cupcakes
Make by the Amazing Jammie with Think Cake Bakery 

We got lots of incredible gifts from
 our wonderful family and friends
And instead of cards Baby Reece received
lots of books signed with love to build his library!
For Center pieces Amanda made bouquets in mason jars
And for Favors we gave our friends mini mason jars filled with candy!
We asked that our friends leave us their address
to help sending
Thank you Cards and Birth Announcements
Our friends left Baby Reece wishes for his Future
to put in his baby book! 

Our friends made Baby Reece adorable bibs and onesies 
With lots of small ones coming to our shower
we planned something for them to do
other than the bibs and onesies station!
We made a board of ideas,
so that if our guests were feeling uncreative!
And seeing we are at a park in the summer
we brought Sunscreen and Bug spray
just in people forgot 

And the cutest babygirl in the world was at our party :) 
My sweet friend Jessie is due the day after me with her 2nd baby Remy!
My Girls! 

My Boy! 

The Dugans made the trip from
Mt. Home just for us! 

Cate and Kaylee 

Eva and Kaiden 

Dave and Eva with their onesies! 
Uncle Bobby being a Cop
decided to play his onesie off that!

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