Friday, June 13, 2014

Gestational Diabetes...maybe?

So last Wednesday Mike and I spent an hour at my midwife's office, so that I could get tested for Gestational Diabetes. A very standard test for being in my 3rd trimester, and the only bad part was the orange "stuff" I had to drink...yuck doesn't begin to cover it. We had looked into other options for the test, but this being such a big deal we wanted to go with the most clear, tested, reliable option to protect our baby.  They also checked my blood for a bunch of other stuff, because of my medical history. Best part was getting to hear little man's heartbeat which never gets less exciting! We left with all looking perfect on the pregnancy front...
Monday morning not so much... I got a call from my midwife saying that she had good and bad news. Good news is my Thyroid (which was my biggest worry) is right where it should be hormone wise. Bad news is that my iron is very low (insert obsession with snow cones and ice here). She said that the want the iron count to be at least 12 and mine is 6.9 :( add to that my glucose levels are on the high side.
I went in that day to have my iron checked again, and to get an Rx for an iron supplement. They also gave me some really lame rules for how to eat for the week, so I could make an appointment to spend a morning having a second test with food not hindering the results in anyway.
Seeing I only work Friday afternoons I made the appointment for today.  I didn't let Mike come despite his constant asking to. I figured 3 hours is a long time to waste out of anyone's day, he could get some quality alone time in with our older kids, and I could bring my laptop and get some work done.
 I have had no food since 8 last night :( I started with getting my blood drawn at 9 am, then I got to drink 10 oz of the nasty glucose "stuff" (I tried lemon lime this time...DON'T DO IT... worse than the orange which is barely possible). Then they took my blood at 10 am and 11 am. Now I just wait one more hour for the last test at noon, and I can go feed me and my boy! The good part in all this is that I am still loving my midwife's office. They have a really comfy room with a recliner, heated blankets, dim lighting, lots of pregnancy books, and WiFi  (so I can watch Netflix on my phone while I play on my computer... I mean work on my computer). I really am relaxed despite the looming concern, and they even pulled out the Doppler so I could hear Thing 3 ;)
I decided despite my need to over research everything that happens in  my life I am not going to until Mike and I come back Monday to meet with my midwife to get the test results. Until then I am going to make the best out of this weekend, and leave it in God's hands....prayers appreciated and I will update everyone once I know more :)

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