
Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Star Spangled Baby Shower

So I am going to brag a little :) I love being a military wife, and know that I was made to be one. With all the good there is the hard parts too... like my husband missing my 2nd trimester and that he will end up leaving again before our baby boy is a year old. But it is because military wives have to deal with stuff that other wife's don't that there is amazing support out there. One of the great support teams is Operation Homefront. They do fun things for families all year, but this last Sunday they had an event just for pregnant military mommies! I didn't know what to expect, but I had a blast! They had an awesome speaker Janet Jackson (not the singer) who was an RN for the Air force, a military wife, and then a nurse for St. Luke’s Maternity. She is now a speaker for all things pregnancy and new baby related. She is so funny, very knowledgeable, and full good tips. If you ever are taking a class through St. Luke's with her I promise you will love it!
They had lots of food and snacks to keep all the growing mommies happy :) There were games, raffles, and all the moms got a ton of free gifts!
Here are some of the pictures of the event and gifts that I brought home! It was a good day to be a military wifey ;)

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