
Monday, August 4, 2014

38 weeks!

I can not wrap my head around the fact that it is August! I am so torn between the feelings of wanting to keep my baby boy with me all the time, and the incredible desire to finally hold him in my arms. Mike however keeps reminding me this is a one way game! One way or the other with in the next few weeks, no matter what I want, I will meet our son very very soon! I just feel like this part went by so fast! 

This weekend brought a growth spurt for sure! My ring no longer comfortably fits, so to avoid it getting stuck I am wearing a mother's ring with Jenna's birthstone that is a size bigger than my wedding ring :) 
I also noticed while watching a movie with the kids yesterday that my belly button is now sticking out on it's own with no help from Baby Reece!! 

I started 38 weeks with a trip to see my midwife this morning. She did an ultrasound to make sure little man is in the right place with his head down. He is!
She had my blood checked again, and my iron levels are perfect!
I am 1-2 cm dilated, so all those pesky contractions are doing their job! :)
My blood pressure is great and little man's heart rate is 140, so she is not worried about the swelling at all!
I have another appointment in a week if baby doesn't come before than!
Feeling pretty lucky that things have been so smooth with my pregnancy especially because  my pre-existing health condition could have kept us from getting pregnant.
God must have big plans for my sweet boy!

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