
Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Thing 3 is 2 weeks old!

It was exactly 1 year ago today that Mike and I decided to start trying for a baby, and as of yesterday that dream come true is 2 weeks old!! 
Height/Weight: James had his 2 week appointment today, and has already grown. At his appointment the day after we left the hospital he was weighing in at 8lbs 4oz, and today he is 8lbs 12oz and 22 inches long! 
Routine: We don't have a set in stone routine yet, and that is mostly because we don't need one. Both Mike and I are on leave from work, so we are just spending this time loving on our boy. Mike went back yesterday for a day, but is back at home with us for the next few weeks :)
While I am writing this he is catching some zzz with Baby! 

Sleeping: I am not sure how I got lucky enough to have 2 kids who love sleep enough to start life sleeping through the majority of the night, but it is so nice! Just like his big sister at his age baby James likes to be wide awake in the evening then sleeps from last feeding for about 4 hours, and then from that feeding for another 4. Seeing he is still sleeping in our room (and will for awhile) I just pick him up for some cuddle time, feed him, and he is back to sleep with in the hour! Mike gets up and gets Jenna to school then comes home and brings me breakfast, so I can eat while I feed our baby. It has been so nice! 

Eating/Feeding: Breastfeeding is going remarkably well this time, I've had no major complications or issues which I'm so grateful for! I also pump, so that when we are out and about he can take a bottle (though I won't let anyone else feed is our thing). I was worried this approach may cause him to not like nursing, but so far up close to mama is his prefered way to eat!

Sizes: He is definitely newborn sized clothing still! We bought very few of this size and tons of 0-3 month clothes, but he swims in them. Thankfully we don't have to go out much, so he spends most of the time in a onesie :) I hope he stays tiny for awhile I am just in love with it!
Milestones: It may be that are older kids are 7 & 8, so it has been awhile since we have been around an infant. Or it could be that we are both so enamored with him that we get excited by everything that he does... But Mike and I are so proud of how strong our little man already is. He is already holding his head up, will look to the side if he hears us, and has the cutest grip when he gets ahold of something! He also found his thumb, which as much as it may be annoying in a year is so stinking adorable now! 
My favorite is that even so young he already knows me. He hears my voice and can follow me in a room. If someone else has him when he gets hungry he will be so upset, but just by me talking to him he calms down. I am loving having a mama's boy!
Being a mommy really is the best! 

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