
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Thing 3 is Two Months

Look at our adorable little 2 month old stud muffin!
He was super happy for his 2 month pictures
And was showing off his tough guy push ups
Then got milk drunk, and took a nap after :) 

Height/Weight: James had his 2 month check up today. He is weighing in at 11 lbs 8 oz (which is in the 33rd percentile), 24 1/2 inches (which is in the 84th percentile), and his head is 40 cm around (which is in 5th percentile)
 He did so good at his appointment, and sister was a huge help!
They already love talking and making faces at each other :)
Routine: We have a pretty good routine at this point. Not because we have to seeing I am still home with him full time, but because I think it is better for babies to have a flexible schedule! 

Sleeping: He is still a great sleeper. He is still sleeping in our room at night, but for his afternoon nap if we are home he sleeps in his crib. I want it to be a familiar place, so that when the time comes it's not a scary transition. I am definitely loving our monitor, and the flexibly to get things done while he naps.
At night I feed him, and then while I get ready for bed (have some me time) daddy rocks him to sleep. Then he sleeps until 3-5 am. After that feeding he sleeps until I wake him in the am! 

Eating/Feeding: My little piggy is eating consistently every 3 hours for about 30 mins. He primarily nurses, but we bring bottles to events (like my friends wedding), so that he can eat if I am not in a place that I can nurse immediately. He wouldn't take a bottle from Mike at the wedding. So last week I pumped a bottle at home, and had him try here where James is more comfortable. It worked like a charm :) Though it won't happen often I like knowing that if something happened James will have the ability to eat without me (without a painful transition either). 
Sizes: He has moved up to 3 month clothing, a size bigger pacifier, 3-6 month hats, and no longer needs the head rest in his car seat! 
Look at the difference from the day he came home from the hospital!!! 
Milestones: Little man has had lots of experiences in the last month! 
Like getting to hang out with his cousin... they are fascinated with each other, and being only 8 months apart I am sure they will grow up great friends!
 2 of the best daddies ever! 
They are both so in love with their kiddos it is wonderful to watch!

He also got to meet his Great Grandma Barbara who came into town to meet him. And spoil him and his cousins :)
 He has learned that sucking his thumb is way less fun then chewing on it. 
And that mommy will pick him up when he makes this face. He seriously will stop crying and smile when he gets his way now, so I should learn to not jump the second that he wants to be picked up :)
He also really likes to have us whisper in his ear (especially daddy). 
2 weeks ago he got to be there when his auntie Sara had her surrogate baby (his future girlfriend Grace) She is so perfect! He was so good spending the whole day at the hospital, and had fun hanging out with everyone :)
*Thanks Rebecca Anne Photography for these picture of him from the hospital!

Here is me with both my babies spending sometime enjoying a beautiful fall afternoon at the park!
It has been another amazing month as a mommy of this cutie!

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