Friday, November 28, 2014


Happy Thanksgiving from our Baby Turkey :)
 Every year I have Jenna do a craft on Thanksgiving showing all the things that she is thankful for. Partly so she can look back and see as she gets older what things have changed from year to year, but mostly to drive home the meaning of the holiday! This year when we were deciding what her craft would be she asked if we could do something to make everyone in the family part of her craft, so she is making a book of what our family is thankful for :)

Here is some of the pictures for her book! 

 Sadly we didn't have Kade man with us this year, but we are having Thanksgiving with Mike's family on  Sunday and he gets to come! Other then missing him more then I usually do it was such a wonderful day. All of my siblings were there, and we spent the day just enjoying each other and spoiling the babies!! We had lots of  yummy food, family games, and of course football!
Cuddling with Daddy watching the Parade before breakfast!
Uncle Joshy and the boys who love him!
Jenna doing crafts with her Auntie Grace and Hope
 Baby James and his Auntie Eva

 Mike and I have a debate about the best part of Thanksgiving food... I vote my sister Stevie's Pumpkin pie Cheesecake, but he says its my mom's sweet potatoes! But we agree that it has been a fantastic year, and we are so blessed! One year ago we were still praying daily for me to get pregnant (though I was last Thanksgiving we didn't know yet), and now we have a sweet baby boy! We are now debt free (other than our home), our kids are healthy and happy, he has a job he loves, and I get to stay home with this little guy!!

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