
Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thing 3 is 3 months old!

 Look at our little chunk in his old man outfit! It really doesn't take much to make my day!
He is sitting up on his own now as long as there is something behind him!
 And holds his head up to look around no problem!
It really is bitter sweet watching him grow!

Height/Weight: He doesn't have another appointment until next month, so no update here. I promise he is heavier though :)

Routine: Our routine is about the same most days! He gets to spend an hour on week day mornings with Grandma April or Grandma Sue, so that mommy can go work out. Then we go home and he eats and naps while I get stuff done. Then we spend time playing before picking up sister from school. He plays with sister while I make dinner. Then daddy hogs his attention all evening before bed :)

Sleeping: He is napping while driving, and then one solid few hour nap during the day. At night he gets up around 3 to eat then wakes up with me in the am. I made the mistake of reading a horrible SIDS article, and felt like I needed to get up to check on him hourly for awhile... that was terrible! He does prefer falling asleep with me to anyone else, and likes sleeping in my bed (easy access to his food I am sure), but I am trying to have him at least start each night in his bed. 

Eating/Feeding: Our growing little man is eating more these days, but seems to do it faster! I pump on the way to dropping Jenna off at school every morning 10 oz, and he eats that while I am at the gym. Then I pump on the way home 10 oz and it gets through till nap. Then he eats again for 20 mins before picking Jenna up, and when we gets home. Before bed for 20, and once in the middle of the night for 10 mins. 
He will let anyone bottle feed him now, so sister and brother do it whenever they can! 

Sizes: He is officially in 3-6 months clothing, and it wont last long! 
He is still in size 1 diapers.

Milestones: He has learned that it is much easier to self sooth by forcing one's fist in their mouth rather than crying for a pacifier :)
And he has learned to grab what is in front of him! 
Thanks to the toy bar Auntie Stevie got him :) 
He learned sister will lay and talk to him anytime  
And daddy is his favorite person to play with!
This smiley boy makes everything about this wonderful life better! On a daily basis Mike says "he was such a good idea babe" :) 
It is hard to believe that just a year ago he was a prayer, and now his sweet laugh makes my day!

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