
Monday, December 8, 2014

Oh Christmas Tree

We put out our Christmas Decor early this year, 
and definitely on the smaller level than most years.
We have big plans for late December then Mike deploys in early January,
 so we don't want Christmas Decor getting in the way :)
Big brother and big sister are so in love with their little Santa 
And they decided to share the duty of putting up the Star this year! 
Our Baby Smarty Pants learned this week that if you get it in your hand
 then you can get it in your mouth :)
After decorating the tree we made gingerbread houses... 
This was our 1st year trying the pre-made kits... GROSS!
So we had a redo and made them the right way lol :)
Then we watched a movie while having Coco and Cookies :)
And little man took a nap on daddy :)

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