
Thursday, January 22, 2015

Thing 3 is Five Months Old!

Our perfect monster is 5 Months old this week!!!! 
 Jimmy Jam loves his piggy toes, sticking out his tongue,
 and blowing bubbles :)

Height/Weight: James is now weighing in at 15.9lbs (14th percentile)
is 26 3/4 inches long (75th percentile)
and has a 43 inch head (38th percentile)
Routine: James is getting a new routine, but is doing great! He spends every morning with Auntie Mandi, so he doesn't have to get in the car while I take sister to school. The Wednesdays with Grandma while I work at Jenna's school. Other than that we don't have much set in stone yet other than I put him to sleep with sister at 8:30 every night :)
He prefers sleeping with his monkey, pacifier,  and one of my scarfs 
Sleeping:If anyone ever says babies don't know what is going on around them to me again I will laugh.. or punch them depending on my mood! James had a great nightly routine then one weekend we thought that moving and his daddy deploying all at once wouldn't effect him... we were wrong! We made sure that we did everything to make the transition easy for Jenna, but now looking back I could have done things differently for Jamie :( 
Every night for about a week after Mike left James looked for dad to put him to bed, and would fight sleep :( it wasn't until that next weekend when Mike was able to Facetime him to sleep a few nights in a row that I realized little man missed daddy too! So I recorded Mike talking to him before bed, and that is how baby goes to sleep at night! 
3 weeks in we are settling into our new home. and little man is back to sleeping 2 naps during the day and through the night (with an occasional 4am snack time) :)

Eating/Feeding: Other than his current stuffy nose making it hard to latch James is a great eater! He eats about every 3 hours. He isn't picky between nursing or his bottle (pumped of course) 
He eats about 5-6 oz when its a bottle and nurses for about 10-15 mins, so he is getting much more efficient lol :)

Sizes:  Baby boy can wear 6 month shirts, but Pj's and pants are 9 months. He is now in size 3 diapers, and seeing his hats are made by Auntie Sara they have custom measurements ;)

The week before daddy deployed Jamie decided to surprise him with learning to say Dada :)
It is still his favorite sound, but he has added Yaya, Nono, and Googoo :)
He's definitely teething and drools a ton... to help he has learned to suck on his own drool :/
He has made friends with lots of fur babies in the last month!
He can roll all the way over now, and can get into crawl ready position, 
but just rocks back and forth lol
Sara and I did watch him move backwards trying to get to my phone in front of him, so he is going to be way to mobile way to soon :)
For his birthday our big boy got to take a bath with big sister!
It took him a few seconds of feeling and tasting the water to decide, but he loved it! 
The last picture is of him peeing though, so sister says he can take his own bathes from now on lol
Daddy even got to facetime for his bath :)
He is a sweet baby who brings smiles everywhere we go,
 and will let anyone who will talk to him hold him :)
 He is going to be such a people person I'm sure of it!
He does reach for people when he wants them which melts mama's heart 
especially when he is reaching for me! 
So far he only does it to Jenna and me, but his newest adorable act is pulling our faces in for kisses :)
He really has lived up to the nickname Sunshine!! 

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