
Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Thing 3 is 7 months old!

Our Little Lucky Charm turns 7 months this week!

 He loves to crawl, climb, and pull himself up on everything! 

Height/Weight: James had his 6th month appointment on March 3rd, and he was weighing in at 17.5 lbs (41th percentile) and was 27.5 inches (76th percentile)

Routine: James is still on the same routine, and doing great... however he finally gets his daddy back and his new house, so as of next week keep him in your prayers as he readjusts yet again!

Sleeping: James is definitely going through a growth spurt. The last week he has added a nap a day... he will just fall asleep anywhere poor kid lol

Eating/Feeding: James is eating pretty much any fruit and veggies. We do fruit in the am and then a veggie right before bed. Then he nurses the rest of the day still about every 3 hours.

Sizes: Our big boy is still in 6-9 month clothing

This kid is just growing and learning faster than I can keep up with him!
He is saying Mama now!!! He says dada more still though ;)
He is learning to drink from a cup if I pump for him.
He can pick up his solid food and put it in his own mouth. 
He is all boy and loves splashing and drumming on things :)
And he gives the best hugs and kisses when he is feeling lovie!!! 
He is learning table Etiquette at restaurants 

 He has learned he loves yogurt 
He had his 1st trip to the book store to pick out his own books :) 
 He loves to play Airplane 
 He can sit up and stay sitting up on his own now 
He had his 1st trip to the pool
 He can go up and down the stairs
And he can bathe in the tub with no seat, but only when I am willing to let him slash for at least 20 mins ;)
Despite Missing Daddy it has been such a great few months 
of spending my everyday with this little man! 

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