Monday, July 6, 2015

Happy 4th of July!

We started Celebrating a week early with our church family last Sunday! It is a great tradition our church has to yearly recognize the men and woman in our congregation that have served or are currently serving our country! 
Mike was asked to participate in the service this year with one of his great childhood friends Ian.
 It really was an honor to see them both in uniform, representing our armed forces, at the church we all met :)
 James didn't make it to far into the service. 
He likes the music, and then naps ;)
 All 3 of my heroes were the for the 1st Sunday ever!!
Thank you to my dad Paul for his service in The US Navy
Thank you to my big brother Robert for his service in the US Army and Marine Corp
Thank you to my husband for his service in the US Air Force
And thank you to all of the members of my Bethel Church Family for your service!
 I really appreciated our pastor's sermon about trusting God in Spiritual Warfare 
and serving as a Christian Solider! 
Here is a recap :)
On a less church related note... I love my baby daddy!
On the 4th we went to a parade 
Then we  went home, and all took a nap (best idea ever!!)
Then we made snacks for a 4th of July BBQ 
We didn't have Kade on the 4th, so we had a family BBQ on the 5th with him :)

 I promise the lighter is turned off before our little Pyro got to have it. 
James held tight to grandma... he wasn't so sure about fireworks lol 
 I love that Mike's Mom and Dad are living so close now! 
They are so great to our kids!
It was a wonderful 4th of July week!

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