
Friday, September 4, 2015

1st Birthday!

Even though we had a party on Sunday we still celebrated at home as a family for James's actual Birthday! I love, love, love birthdays, so we do them as much as possible for my kids!
I want them to know how much we celebrate the blessing they are from God in our lives!
 Just like the night before he was born, the night before his birthday Jenna helped me make a cake :)
 The night before his birthday Michael and I just watched him sleep. 
Time be still is all I could think!
 That day we spent the morning cuddling and then when sister got out 
of school at 2 we headed to the Village. 
 James loves the fountains and the snacks there :)
 We took a walk to the park, so he could swing.
Then walked to Toys'r'us, so he could pick out a toy.
He picked a broom :)
After dinner we let him try the whole cake thing again with
 less of an audience he definitely liked it more!
Happy Birthday Perfect Boy!
You are such a gift from God, and an answer to mommy and daddy's prayers!

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