Monday, October 26, 2015

Our New Journey: Surrogacy Part 2- Getting baby making ready

Once I was matched with my intended parents (IPs) it was time to get the ball rolling.

  • Rocky Mountain Surrogacy  (RMS) sent my medical records to my IP's clinic to get approved. 
  • About 2 weeks later they gave us the "GO"! So I made an appointment with my new OBGYN to have my IUD out, and start oral birth control to get my cycle on a specific schedule. 
  • While waiting my intended mother (IM) and I started getting to know each other via email!
  • In early July Michael and I met with a psychologist for a psych eval. Which I was oddly way more nervous about than any other part. However it turns out I am not too crazy after all lol :) It was really not uncomfortable at all once we were there. It was just checking on our relationship, and support system. Then making sure we understood the details of surrogacy. 
  • Then at the end of July I flew to Portland for the day to get a check up by the doctor who would be doing the transfer (putting my IP's baby in me). He did an ultrasound to make sure all my girl parts were in working order. 
  • While in Portland I met  my Coordinator with the clinic to learn about all the medications I would be starting, and scheduled my Transfer!
  • During the next few weeks I weaned James from nursing (which I had planned to do by his 1st birthday anyways, so it worked perfect)
  • Then my lawyer looked over what we had for a contract, we all agreed, and it was signed within days.

  • On August 17th I started Medications. 
    1. Lupron (a small painless needle in the tummy once a day) to stop my hormone production. 
    2. Prenatal Vitamins  
    3. Baby Aspirin
    4. An Antibiotic right before the transfer 
    5. Del-Estrogen (a mid-sized needle in the side 2X a week) 
    6. Progesterone (a huge needle in the side or bum each night) when the lupron stops to start hormone production on track to ovulate at the time of Transfer.  

  •  While I took my meds like a good girl for a month we planned for the week of the transfer, and RMC booked the flights ect that I picked. 
And that is about it! 
July 30th - the transfer went by so quickly, 
and smoothly I can't believe it is all in the past!
Here is the Link to my Transfer Story

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