
Sunday, January 31, 2016

Merry Christmas from the Reece Family 2015

We went to the Festival of Trees, and the kids saw Santa
 Then we went home and decorated our trees!

On (our) Christmas Eve the kids got new Pj's like they do every year
Then they got to open their stockings and fall asleep to Christmas Movies!
Mike surprised me with one of my gifts also! 
A painting from my very favorite artist Thomas Kinkade!
 After opening presents and having a lazy morning at home playing we went to my brother and sister in law's home for a family Christmas Party! 
It was so much fun and so heartwarming for my kids to get to be with Grandma
On Christmas we didn't have Kade this year, so most presents were opened on our family Christmas the day before. 
 However we couldn't help but spoil our younger babies a little more! 
 We hosted Christmas Dinner at our House on Christmas
I didn't know that many presents could fit in our living room! 
My family is so giving it is fun to watch!
Then when we got Kade back we had Christmas with Michael's Family 
where the kids got spoiled even more! 

Needless to say we are very blessed with family and things, and want for nothing! 
Thank you to Jesus for this time of year that we can remember 
the true gift that he gave by coming to this world to save us!

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