
Tuesday, June 14, 2016

California Vacation Day 1: Gilroy Gardens

The day after Mike and the kids joined me in California my intended family took us to an amusement park in a near by town called Gilroy Gardens!
It was so stinking cute! Most of the rides were fruits and veggies grown in the area :) 

 James slept the 1st 1/2 of our trip there so Jenna and Mike went on all the rides with my IP's and there older kids while I walked the beautiful gardens! 

And of course we had to try all the snacks :)
Once James woke up he went on all the little kid rides 
And my IF took Jenna to play the carnival games... she did really well! 

 For the last activity before the park closed they all went boating, and James and I had some more of the cuddles that I had been missing all week!

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