Saturday, June 18, 2016

California Vacation Day 12: Raging Waters

Thursday was jump back into play day! 
We decided to hit Raging Waters from open to close! 
James was kind of nervous of all the water when we 1st got there, so chilled with mom and slowly got his feet wet while sister did all of the obstacle courses
She was really good at them... I being so nonathletic was super impressed
Once little man got a swim vest he was off and running 
and swimming
We played as a family for awhile
Then when James and I were ready to rest we stopped for lunch before daddy and sister left us to hit all the slides! 
and we played in the shade 
the took a walk before kicking back for a pre-nap show
Once little man was asleep I walked around to watch Jenna and daddy have their fun while I enjoyed some yummy dip n dots :)
I truly love watching these to have fun together!
Then when Jim woke up we hit the pool one last time before they closed! 

Needless to say it was a fun day!

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