Tuesday, June 14, 2016

California Vacation Day 8: Gilroy Gardens Part 2

Sunday May 29th was our 6 year part 1 wedding Anniversary! 
Sunday morning my always thoughtful husband snuck out early in the morning and bought me gluten free breakfast pastries and flowers :)
We decided seeing my IPs had bought us return tickets to Gilroy Gardens it would be a beautiful way to spend time as a family to get the kids tired so we could have some alone time in the evening :)

 The kids played in the garden park!

 Then we got fast passes (best invention ever) 
so that they could just jump the line, and go on their favorite rides as many times as they wanted!

 We explored all the gardens 

 James decided he is big and now has to walk up the stairs like everyone else!
 This is what me wanting them to pose for a picture turned into... better I think :)

 After lunch James took a nap and I walked him around... such a pretty place to relax!
 While Mike took Jenna on more rides! 
 Then when James woke up we did more rides :)

We just kept going till they looked like this... Mission complete!!! 
Now we could enjoy each other for the rest of the evening while the kids slept like rocks ;)
It really doesn't matter how we spend our days as long as I get to spend them with you my darling!

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