Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Thing 3 and His Chair

For the 1st year of his life we took monthly pictures of James on his comfy chevron chair in his nursery to keep track of how he was growing. 
It is a special chair, because it a gift from his grandma April and Grandma Sue :)
We decided we should keep the fun going, and do a yearly picture as he grows!
This weekend we remembered to take his 2 year old pictures...
And he is definitely a 2 year old ;)
He was good, but didn't want to smile
Then he got bored 
Then he got mad that we kept sitting him back up
Then daddy offered candy, so he tried to look happy
Sister got the candy and he kinda smiled. but couldn't sit still he was so excited for a sucker
So we gave him the sucker to get him to smile
But he had what he wanted, so he showed us what he thinks about picture time!

The shirt is from my favorite baby boutique 

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