
Monday, August 21, 2017

Eclipse 2017

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the works of his hands!
Psalms 19:1
Today we joined so many others in taking 2 hours of our day to stare up at the wonders our creator designed as the moon slowly passed over the sun! 
We went to Jenna's school to watch with her friends and teachers. 
And the awesome school PTA provided my very favorite snack!
The older kids ran around, played on the playground, a chased each other in the skate park 
while James played legos with daddy and made a new BFF.

As the world around us grew darker the kid's conversations grew deeper. 
It was so great to have the opportunity to just sit and talk with them about God and his creation.
It was also fun to watch them slowly cuddle up closer and closer as the temperature dropped ;)
If ever asked in the future I am sure they'll deny the whole thing, so I took pictures!
James was surprisingly in awe as well, and kept checking in to see "two moons mama"
I am so glad that we got to enjoy this exciting time as a family!

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