Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Future Boise State Fan!

Look what came in the mail for Baby Reece! My baby daddy/sweet husband Michael wanted to make sure that our child's 1st outfit was not a tutu or a suit with bow tie, but a blue and orange BSU baby jumper! He was super excited that it came in, so that he could surprise me! I was more than ecstatic to see that he is just as excited as I am about our baby! Something about him going out of his way to buy a gift for a baby that we are not sure even exists yet brings me so much joy!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made!

I am currently doing a Beth Moore Ladies Bible Study at church, and of all her studies that I have done this may be my very favorite!
First, ladies if you have never done one of her studies you most definitely should! She is incredibly funny and so real! I just love her :)

We are on week 3 of Sacred Secrets, and this week we were learning the times that the Bible references "good secrets".
The 1st and my favorite is Psalms 139. David is writing about how God knows us. Not only knows who we are and our what is on our hearts now, but also knew us when we were being formed in our mother's womb. Beth talks about

 vs~15 My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place.

This brought me so much joy! Having the confidence that God will know my baby even before a pregnancy test can detect it's existence is absolutely exciting. As a mom I find myself concerned about Jenna and Kade's futures already, so I know that while I am pregnant I will worry about Baby Reece's future. But I don't have to worry, because everything about my baby from the day I get pregnant, to his/her name, to the day we get to meet, to how many fingers and toe we count that day are all in God's strong hands.

This mommy found such peace being once again reminded God will take care of all 3 of my babies who were Fearfully and Wonderfully made by him!!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Big Weekend to Start Month 2!

Month 1 came to a close-
Last week I found out that I am not pregnant. I know in my head that we just started, it can take months to conceive, and we are in no hurry. My heart was more disappointed than I expected.
To cheer us up Mike got Sushi and wine! Some of our favorites that we can't have when I am pregnant. We also bought a pair of gender neutral booties, so the we could take pictures for our announcements when the time finally comes! If you know me you know that I love pictures, so taking them is always a fall back pick me up when I am sad! Shopping for baby stuff was fun...picture me holding up every cute fancy outfit at the same time Mike is holding up every sports  baby item forgetting that it was booties that we came for! Now add super excited for real baby shopping to my list of moments I can't wait for!!!

Well it took some prayer, but I snapped out of it and I am ready to continue our adventure!

Month 2 started strong-
Friday night we went out on the town with our good friends who The Air Force is taking away from us, Saturday was our daughter's 7th birthday, Sunday we had family over all afternoon for Halloween cookie making, and Monday was Columbus Day (which Mike and I have a yearly kid free day date planned). We definitely had a fun filled busy weekend, and seeing it was already packed my body thought..."let's ovulate"! I never knew how exciting something so natural can be! I will keep everyone updated as things progress... Until then please keep us in your prayers!