Thursday, December 12, 2013

Picking a hospital- Part 3

Last night was Sushi dinner and Tour St. Luke’s Night! Romantic Right lol ;)
We are still really glad that we did the hospital tours now for a few different reasons ranging from the obvious getting to compare pros and cons to free loot :) Mostly though it helped to see the hospitals in person, because both of them had a lot more to offer then their websites described, and we feel much more prepared to make the best decision for our family!
It was one of Mike's few requirements that we choose a hospital with a NICU, so that narrowed our search down to the 2 main hospitals. Boise does have a few other options that we decided not to visit.

St. Luke’s offers a lot of the same great things that we liked about St. AL’s. They definitely are very different though, and each has a kind of family that they are a better fit for.

Things Jacqui likes~
• The # 1 pro that St. Luke’s offers it familiarity! The doctor’s office I have gone to since I was 15 is at St. Luke's, so if we pick Luke’s we get to skip the finding an office part when we pick our new OBGYN
• It is also where Jennabelle was born, so I know my way around
• Double Beds, so dad can sleep in the same bed if wanted
• The Nursery will take baby if mom needs rest, but otherwise they allow/encourage you to keep your new love in the room with you
• They stress the security of the baby, and have multiple rules in place to keep your family safe
• They have a Jacuzzi in every birthing room
• They have a lactation specialist team that you can see to help with nursing even after you have gone home from the hospital.

Things Michael likes~

• Experience- Luke’s Boise has more babies born daily than anywhere else in the state
• St. Luke's Children's Hospital is home to Idaho's largest and most experienced Level III NICU!
Their NICU is close to Labor and Delivery and they do "Crib Notes" to keep parents informed & part of what is going on with baby
• Each mom has their own nurse during Labor and Delivery to give one on one care
• They are flexible about visitation time
• Parents get the final word on who is in the room, and how things go during the birth process.

We did decide what hospital, and thankfully it was clear to us which one was the best fit! Now we are on to the next step of picking an OBGYN/ Midwife! Again I loved hearing everyone who contacted me with input about the hospitals, so if you have any doctor suggestions please message me!!

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