Monday, February 17, 2014

Bump 4- 2nd Trimester!!

How far along? 14 weeks 

Total weight gain/loss: I haven't been weighed since my last post. 

Maternity clothes? Yes, not because I have to all the time, but I love them :) They are comfortable, cute, and new

Stretch marks? Nope

Sleep: I am still sleeping great once I fall asleep, but with my new bump growing bigger by the day getting comfortable takes longer then it should. I am still sleepy during the day, but not constantly like I felt before. 

Best moment this week: It has been a fantastic last week. It was the week of my birthday and Valentine's Day! Friday Mike took me to an appointment then to breakfast for GF french toast! For Valentine's he got me a gift certificate for someone to clean our house every other week while he is gone to help me with the deep cleaning stuff, so I can relax :) He also got me a bathtub mat I have been wanting, because I am terrified of falling in the shower while he is gone!
Then we went to Utah to see my in-laws... I will post pictures separately :)

Miss Anything? Not really... I have found a replacement for any food I would want, and haven't had a desire at all for the "bad things". Some moments I miss feeling normal, but am quickly reminded how much I adore this baby which make is so worth it!

Movement: YES!!!! Other best part of the week!!! I wasn't sure of what I felt the 1st time... it was like popcorn. But then it happened again. I was laying and bed and felt our little peanut :) Since then I feel so aware of his/her existence. Before I knew I was pregnant, but it wasn't so really real until now. I can't stop touching my belly, and wanting to talk to our baby!

Food cravings: Steak has turned to lobster... which makes me think this will be a very expensive baby! I also love Caesar salad and GF Oreos! 

Anything making you queasy or sick: I am still very very sensitive to smells

Gender prediction: I have decided I am done answering this question on here, and to all the people who ask daily. I want a baby, and I truly don't care if it is a girl or boy. There is pros and cons to both, however I just feel so at peace with whatever God has planned! With Jenna I wanted a girl so bad I could taste it, and God gave me a Daddy's little girl who loves sports! God also gave me a step son who people always think look like me, but people think Jenna looks like Mike. God custom made our family, and this baby boy or girl will fit perfectly. So, I want a baby

Labor Signs: Still...Way too soon for this question 

Belly Button in or out? In where it belongs!

Wedding rings on or off? On and still too big 

Happy or Moody most of the time: I have definitely had more highs and lows lately. The lows usually don't last long, but I can get irritated quickly... and then realize what I sounded like and feel so bad :/ That being said the highs are wonderful I am so excited just to talk about my baby with anyone who will listen! 

Looking forward to: My next appointment is next Monday, so that will be fun! This weekend Mike and I will get some needed alone time, and hopefully feeling my peanut more often!

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