Friday, December 23, 2016

Busy Beautiful Holidays

We kicked off our weekend with making some holiday snacks for our neighbors, and friends. 
These are what the kids made!

Saturday Kade had an all day robotics competition 
And Jenna had a basketball tournament that she made 3rd place in

 Mike and I tag teamed going back and forth, so both kids felt supported

 Once Jenna was done she got to hang out with her brother.  
Which just means they were crazy and played around while waiting,
Sunday morning we were honored to give the Advent reading and candle lighting at church

Can I just take a moment to gush over this sweet boy?!?!

That afternoon Jenna's basketball team got to go to a BSU game together
And Mike and Kade got some boy time having lunch and playing games at D&B!
That Night Matt and Mandi came over

Then we went for a special Christmas surprise 

We have a yearly tradition of staying in a hotel of Christmas Break. This year we stayed at the Hilton downtown Boise. After check in we took a walk to see the tree, and get snacks.

 Then we went swimming

 After having dinner we watched a Christmas Movie while the kids played games

 Once we were done on our little "stay-cay" we went home for Mike to work on the kid's Christmas Fort, and the kids colored in the snow.
(Link to fort pictures)
Kade had to go home for a day, so we took a break on festivities. 
Jenna had a girly sleepover hangout with one of her best friends. 
Then Thursday night we had a gingerbread party!

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