Wednesday, June 7, 2017

The Reece Family is growing by...

 Meet Dutch and 
Moxie Reece
Yes... after coffee shops ;)
Kade and Jenna have been asking for a cat for years, so we told them once Jenna finished allergy shots that we would try. When one of our friends from church posted they had some kittens in need of a home we decided we should get ONE...
But Michael sent me alone, and look at these faces!!!
And Jim agreed we should get both ;)
Plus it is good to have your sibling to play with!

Michael and Jenna prefer Dutch...
 Jim and I prefer Moxie
Kade loves cats ;)
They like to hide in the lawn mower bag...
Jim thought he should join them while Grandma was babysitting...
He really loves his baby kitties, and for the most part they love any attention they can get!

We did our "make sure this was a good idea" period, and still love having the extra cuteness to play with, so the babies are staying! 

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