How far along? 18 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: I will get weighed again next week, so no idea until then.
Maternity clothes? Saturday Sara and I went shopping for new tops, today James and Colleen brought me more, and Grace just text me that she got me a new Maxi so I have lots of new cute clothes to wear :)
Stretch marks? No, but my tummy is itchy... does that mean I am going to get them? I don't remember... so I just pour the lotion on!
Sleep: Harder to sleep the last few nights, but that is mostly due to my cuddle buddy being gone, and that we talk late at night when it is day for him. But my snoggle (large crazy shaped pillow Mike bought me in my 1st Trimester) is coming in handy to keep me laying sideways seeing apparently its bad to lay on your back at this point. Also a little minion has taken up residence in my bed as of tonight, so that should help with the cuddling :)
Best moment this week: One of the reasons that I think Mike and I are so happy when he is home is because we know how hard it is to be apart. So right now I am holding onto every moment of last week! We spent last Saturday alone walking around downtown shopping, talking, laughing, and eating! Then we spent the week getting our house ready to have a nursery, and he built our crib!! Then we spent Wednesday just us until the kids got out of school then we went to the park and played! Now I live off those moments until each time he calls again!
Miss Anything? Right now just mostly my baby daddy! It just hit me today that he is really gone, but getting to talk to him makes it better! Other then that I realized this week I miss high heels! I love shoes and I have a ton of them, but right now I have 3 (well 4 cause I stole some of Sara's) pairs that I am comfortable in :(
Movement: Yesterday I was spending the afternoon with Sara who gave me Sunny D to drink. Apparently all the sugar in that "juice" made baby hyper, because I could feel so much! To the point where I could feel movement on the outside too!!
Food cravings: I still like seafood and have found a love for shrimp tacos, but I just have to have meat more often then I have ever had. Even my pizza has to be meat lovers... which use to make me gag! I also really like muffins and juice!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Raw onion! Like in anything! The smell, the taste, the look... I hate them all of a sudden! I can smell them like a ninja too... no matter where they are I know!
Labor Signs: Nothing new!
Belly Button in or out? Still in... it actually no longer resembles a button, but more of a belly hole ;)
Wedding rings on or off? On and still too big
Happy or Moody most of the time: Sad tonight, but that is less pregnancy and more getting use to Mike being gone.... But I have been pretty happy lately otherwise. I have had lots of friend and family time the last few days to keep me busy, so I am feeling blessed! Thank you to everyone who has checked on me and made time to make me smile the last few days!!
Looking forward to: Next week I get to see my little lovie again, and get some time with my mother in love! We decided on what the nursery will look like, so I have a project to work on! Right now I am looking forward to planning and preparing for our sweet future!