
Monday, February 16, 2015

Baby's 1st Food!

 Mike and I actually put a lot of thought and discussion into how we wanted to start food for James. 

  • We decided we didn't want to start until 6 months (which I really can't believe he will be this week), because starting food too soon can cause food allergies and digestive problems. 
  • We also decided we wanted to do foods that he can eat with nothing done to them (such as bananas, avocado, and other soft foods), so that he is getting pure healthy food! 
  • We skipped the baby cereal stage, mostly because at this point James is on a strict gluten free diet while he is nursing, and we don't see a need for him to have the starch in his diet. 
  • We want him to have the same food for 4 days at a time to check for allergies before introducing something new.

 We settled on banana honestly because James is in love with Curious George, and I thought it would be cute lol. Also because they are colorless and yummy, so a good way to introduce the newness to baby and his digestive system!
Anyways... yesterday was the big day!
 Mike had the extra day off (seeing it was Presidents Day for him),
 so he was able to Skype the whole thing! James loves talking to daddy :)
 Also, because it was grandma Sue and Auntie Mandi's day off 
so they could be apart of the exciting 1/2 Birthday party :)
 His 1st bite he wasn't sure...
But then he wanted me to go faster!!
Everyone, especially big sister, couldn't help but laugh every bite he took!
And even Grandma got to feed him! 
She was way more fun than me lol 
When he was all done he told daddy about it :)
Got some cuddles with mommy!
Showed daddy and grandma how good his crawling is getting!
 Then he played with Grandma on the floor :)
He kept his spoon the rest of the night, and was it a great mood :)
Needless to say it was a wonderful way to spend our Sunday! 
We got to talk to daddy until we fell asleep which was so great that he could be apart of it!
 And so far James hasn't had any bad reaction to food, so he will get bannas again for the next 3 days then will get to try something new :)

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