
Saturday, February 21, 2015

Thing 3 is 6 months old!

Happy 1/2 Birthday to our perfect little man!!!
You bring so much joy everywhere we go
 and to everyone you meet!
Height/Weight: His 6 month appointment isn't until next week, so I will update this then!

Routine: James has a pretty good routine! It is nice for planning things, because I know about when he will be hungry or sleeping. However he is getting pickier when we get way off schedule now! He is still spending the mornings with Mandi while I take Jenna to school then he goes to see one of his grandmas while I go to the gym. Now that he is eating he is getting bathes everyday :)
Sleeping: James goes to bed after big sister reads and prays with him at 8:30 each night. Then we wake up on weekdays at 7pm and weekends however long he will let me sleep till ;) He naps around 10pm and 5pm for an hour or 2.

Eating/Feeding: James has milk about every 3 hours still and he is eating solids once a day. So far he had 4 days on bananas and has moved on to sweet potatoes. Next Jenna picked apples then peas :)

Sizes: James is wearing 6/9 month in most clothing, is still in size 3 diapers, and will wear just about any hat ;)
Milestones: My miser man is learning so fast!
He had learned to crawl!
He can sit up on his own
He made friends :)
He went down his 1st slide
and on his 1st outdoor swing
He loves water! He is not picky how he gets to it lol! He loves to bathe in the bathtub and sink, and likes to take showers :)
He is teething... and chewing on everything!! I bought him a a teething "toy" that you can put ice or food into it. He will give me like 30 mins to get stuff done when I put frozen bananas in it :)

And he will even argue with me lol ;)
This last 6 months have been so much more than I had dreamed of when we were trying to concive! I am so excited that in less than 30 days my baby daddy will be here to enjoy our sons smile with me!

Until then we will just send him daily selfies ;)

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