
Monday, April 13, 2015

Our New Home Part 4: March... ish

So this is extremely delayed..
I finally got my baby daddy home the 20th of March, and the following Thursday we got the keys to our brand new house!!
Praise Jesus!
The kids didn't know that we finally had keys. We just told them we were going on a walk to measure for our new fence and back patio. 
 As a house warming gift our awesome Real Estate Agent Rex met us at our new house with a Home Depot gift card, and installed our new mailbox for us. 
Working with Rex honestly was the most wonderful experience. He deep cleaned our house we were selling when the baby got sick, so I couldn't. He held James while I was signing for the closing on our house that he got us $25,000 more than we expected for it. He helped me with so much while Mike was gone from holding James while I did my final walk through, to arguing with the builder to wait to put my grass in until we were done moving in, to getting us a better deal with our lender.
If you ever need a Real Estate Agent he is your man!! 

Mike got to do the honor... seeing this was his 1st time even seeing the house. When he left for his deployment it was still a dirt lot :)
 The kids ran right for their new rooms :)
 Then the boys took the opportunity of having an empty house to wrestle!
While Jenna and I decided how we were going to decorate! 
 That night we ordered pizza and camped in the living room! 
Here is the 1st sunset from our new home!

If you missed them here are parts 1-3 of the build

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