
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Thing 3 is Eight Months Old

 Growing so fast and still our little ray of sunshine! 
Everywhere we go people tell us that Jamie made their day better with his loves everybody he meets flirtatious personality! 

 He is such a smart boy, and is ahead in every milestone so far!
He loves books and music :)
Height/Weight: James was last weighed 2 weeks ago he weight 18.5 lbs (24th percentile). I measured him today and he is 28 inches long (69th percentile).
Routine: We are loving our new house, and settling into our new routine so very much!! After taking sister to school Jamie hangs with Grandma while I go to the gym then we come home, and he has breakfast while he watches George ;) Then I bathe him (his favorite thing), and he takes a nap in his big boy crib! The afternoons he gets to play with sister while I make dinner! He is so attached to her, and it is so sweet to see them play! Then daddy is home which is everyone's favorite part of the day! It is great getting to sit and have family dinners, and James joins now that he is eating on his own :) 
Sleeping: I LOVE HIS CRIB!! I enjoyed, and will always cherish the months that Jamie and I had just us cuddling every night. But I was so ready for him to be sleeping in his room. We finished his nursery in the new house a few weeks ago, so that weekend we started him in his crib. I fully expected it to take a few days to get use to, but he does great! He still wakes up around 3-4am, and at that point one of us just brings him to our bed to he sleeps till am.
Eating/Feeding: Jamie is eating solids for breakfast and dinner. He eats pretty much all fruits and veggies! He likes yogurt, eggs, chicken noodle soup, sweet potatoes, bananas, and kale cookies the best! I like the Ella's Kitchen squeeze pouches for when we are going somewhere, because he can eat them himself and there are no additives (he is still 100% gluten free).
Sizes: Our big boy is still in 9 month or 12 month clothing, size 3 diapers, and daddy's sunglasses :)

Milestones: This kid is growing too fast!!
He loves to swing, swim, and give kisses :)

He moved into his new home (House link)
He had his 1st Easter (Easter Pictures Link)

He learned to dance, stand on his own, stand up without holding onto anything, spider crawl, walk with his walker, say "Hey" and "Bye"! 
 The fun of wrestling with daddy

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