
Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Thing 3 is Eleven Months

It's amazing how fast 11 months fly by when you are having fun! 
As of August it will be 2 years since I decided I wanted to have a baby, and 1 year since my little dream come true was born!
Mike call James Happiness, and it is so fitting! 
 He is climbing up everything! 
And if you look close you can see he is finally getting some hair :)
It looks to be blonde, and may be curly on the ends!

Height/Weight: HUGE! He won't have another appointment until the week he turns one, but he is definitely growing! 
Routine: We are keeping busy this summer, so there is too much routine. He does have the things that he likes though. 
  • He likes to cuddle while watching George with sister every morning (which is an amazing hour of me time that I am going to miss when school starts),
  • He likes getting bottles during the day, so he can walk, play, and be active. But he likes mommy at night. 
  • He likes to take a shower every night as part of his bedtime routine. And will just lay and let me give him a massage after for like 10 mins  
All the neighbor boys hang out most days, and they all love to play with him :)
And James is loving weekly trips to the library!

Sleeping: James is a great sleeper! He mostly sleeps in his crib, but he will sleep in his car seat, stroller, or our bed just fine too!
Eating/Feeding: At this point he is eating most anything soft. He eats 3 meals a day, but his in between meal snacking is... well constant ;) 
We are down to nursing just before bed, and if he wakes up at night. 
Sizes: 12-18 months and size 5 shoes

He is officially cool enough to have a Mohawk ;)

He can take off his diaper. He tries to put it back on sometimes, but is unsuccessful.
He had his 1st 4th of July (Picture Link)

We also found out he can push a chair to the window, put a pillow on it, and climb to see sister in the neighbors pool... 
 He got his 1st pool
Had his 1st sleep over with cousin Chey
And he went to his 1st rodeo... He loves riding his "pony"
 Needless to say I still find myself in awe of how happy 
he makes me on a daily basis!
 Being a stay at home wifey and mommy is my favorite!

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